Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Argyle quilt (Cocoles)

Darlette used to call them cocoles in Spanish (cocoles is a kind of bread diamond shaped). I always love the design and not too long ago I was on a scrapbook store and I foun a paper with the Argyle design. I bought it and decided to make a quilt following the design. At first I was going to make my own diamond patterns but triangles are tricky and then I found this pattern at Gracie lou's shoppe. I used the diamond design and I adjusted to what I had in mind with the twin size.

Darlette les llama cocoles como el pan es un diseno que siempre nos ha gustado y el otro dia encontre una hoja en una tienda de scrapbook, la compre y decidi haver un quilt con ese diseno. Al principio iba a hacer mi propio patron pero eso de disenar con triangulos es muy dificil. asi es que encontre este patron use los diamantes y lo ajuste a los colores y tamano que necesitaba.I used chocolate minky on the back
Happy quilting!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Thank you

This is a quick post to let all those beautiful girls that have left comments on my blog and have the horrible non-reply on their comments that I really appreciate your comments. I wish I can answer back but I have no way (unless I have your e-mail) but Thank you, your comments feed me.

Este es una entrada repida para agradecer a esas lindas personas que me dejan comentarios en el blog y que tienen ese horrible non-reply que no me deja responderles pero realmente les agradezco sus comentarios. Desearia poderles escribir pero no tengo su correo. Muchas gracias de todos modos sus comentarios alimentan mi blog.


Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy Pioneer's Day

Pioneer's Day is totally a Utah celebration it is the bigest celebration on the State. I love it because we are all pioneers in some way or another. My family did not cross the planes to the Rocky Mountains some 160+ years ago, Hubby's paternal family did, but my point to celebrate is that we are in some way always pioneers. My sister and I are the first in the family of adventuring with patchwork and quilting maybe many of you too. Maybe it is the opposite and you have a long legacy of industrious women that have quilt for many generations. In any case Congratulations for being a Paioneer or part of the legacy that some strated long ago.

El dia de los Pioneros es una celebracion totalmente de el estado de Utah y es la celebracion mas grande que hay. Me encanta pues pienso que todos de alguna forma u otra somos pioneros en nuestras vidas, talvez los primeros en hacer patchwork y acolchados o talves reciben el legado de muchas generaciones de personas que lo han hecho, de alguna otra forma es un dia para celebrar.

A couple of nights ago hubby and I decided to take the girls to the fair grownds for Fiesta Days in Spanish Fork (next town) They have so much fun. here some pictures

Hace un par de noches decidimos llevar a las ninas a la feria de la ciudad de Spanish Fork (la ciudad continua a donde vivimos) Las ninas se divirtieron muchisimo y aqui algunas fotos.The quilt for Alana is almost done I hope to show it to you on my next post.
El acolchado de Alana esta casi terminado, espero mostrarselos en la proxima entrada.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Five years ago...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Queen is Done

Some projects take longer than others, as you may know, my big projects take me big time like the grandmother's fan which took me close to two years, this queen size quilt is my official first quilt. I made a jean quilt that I did not quilt I just tide it. Then Three years ago I started this quilt It took me two years to assemble it and one to actually start quilting it. I decided to hand quilt it just for the fun of it and mostly for the feeling that it was 100% made by me (not so with the quilting cause grandma helped me) but you get the idea. so here it is:

Algunos trabajos toman mas tiempo que otros, mis trabajos grandes normalmente me toman mas tiempo como el acolchado para mi mama que me tomo casi dos anos, este acolchado de tamano queen es oficialmente mi primer quilt, hice otro con jeans pero no lo acolche solo lo amarre, me ha tomado tres anos hacerlo. Los dos primeros fueron para armarlo y las aplicaciones y me ha tomado este ultimo ano el decidirme aclcharlo. Decidi acolcharlo a mano por el sentimiento de que es mi primer acolchado y aqui se los presento:My pictures are not very good at all I shoot them inside I need my hubby to help me with the outside shooting
Mis fotos no son las mejores pues las saque adentro de la casa, necesito a mi esposo para que me ayude con las fotos de afueraHere is the back it is kind of hard to see the quilting that was made.
Aqui es por la parte de atras es un poco dificil de apreciar el detalle del acolchado.This is my favorite block the peony
Este es mi block favorito.This is a detail of the base I added a quilted flower to fill the space.
Este es un detalle de la base le puse una flor acolchada para llenar el espacio.This is a detail of the Daffodils one of my favorite flowers not included in the original pattern.
Este es un detalle de esta flor que no se como se llame en espanol pero es una de mis favoritas
I hope you enjoy the pictures
Happy quilting

Friday, July 17, 2009

What is the worst thing that can happen to a quilt top?

Maybe not the worst but close to it.
Yesterday I start working on a new quilt, I laid the top on the carpet for measurements and some pictures, then curios G(race) came and found my clipper scissor and decided to help me just as I was turning to look at my pattern good thing I caught her on time but here is the damage:
Talvez no lo peor pero bien cerca de que sea si.
Ayer estube trabajando en nuevo quilt para Alana cuando tenia una parte hecha la puse en la alfombra para tomar medidas y algunas fotos cuando mi querida Grace decidio ayudarme en cuanto encontro unas tijeritas y esto fue o que hizo:Good thing I caught her on time and It can be fixed I almost have a heart attack but everything is fine. Teaching moment: never leave unattended your material work when little ones are around.

Lo bueno es que la encontre a tiempo casi me da un ataque pero todo esta bien y lo uedo reparar. Moraleja: nunca dejes tus trabajos sin supervisar y menos si hay pequenos cerca.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mail Time

Helen's package arrived yesterday and I just have to say a big thank you! the patterns are just beautiful. I already got the material to start as soon as I finish the quilt (two or three more days).
Ayer me llego el paquete de Helen con los patrones de su BOM de navidad, ya compre la tela para empezar justo despues de que termine mi acolchado (dos o tres dias mas).

Have a great Day

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Stitchers' Angel swap 2009

Helen from Hugs and Kisses is again organizing The Stitchers' Angel swap 2009 if you did not know about it it is a very fun time when seven top talented designers like Helen share a free pattern of their own. You can participate in the swap or just visit every week starting August 17th and get the free patters.

Helen de Hugs and Kisses esta organizando su "Stitchers' Angel swap 2009" si no participaron el ano pasado no se pierdan la oportunidad. Estas siete super talentosas disenadoras Australianas como Natalie Lymer, Lynette Anderson y porsupuesto Helen presentan cada semana un patron gratis.

Happy stitching

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Besides quilting

Many of you may you know summer is a busy time for me and I do not get much sewing done. The garden in full bloom and for the last month I have been picking strawberries like crazy. most of them are in the freezer and yesterday I found out we already a good amount of raspberries (my personal favorites) we got some pickling cucumbers I may be soon ready to start bottling some, and our first bunch of zucchini.
Not everything is just gardening, A month ago I decided to refinish a table I have, the short story is that I have spent more money on this project than I would buy a brand new one in a nice furniture store. (sometimes we learn in the hard way).
The "First quilt is on its way, we are 80% done thanks to grandma that helps me a lot. Soon I will have it ready to show you and mostly to welcome it in my bed.
Lastly, sometime ago I did this vintage smocks for the girls following this tutorial. I decided to make a simple monogram with my zigzag stitch. the day I took the pictures the girls weren't in the mood of taking pictures so the yogurt help me. I also made Alana a dress just like the one I made for Grace for her birthday. The pattern is simplicity 3512.
Muchas de ustedes saben que el verano es algo ocupado para mi y por lo tanto no uso mi maquina de coser mucho, este pasado mes de junio me la he pasado recojiendo fresas y apenas estamos cosechando frambuesas (mis favoritas) tambien he cosechado suficientes pepinillos para hacerlos en vinagre y hoy disfrutamos de las primeras calanacitas del ano.
Pero no todo es el jardin por aqui hace como un mes decidi que queria pintar una mesa que tengo en la entrada pero esto ma ha salido mas caro que comprar una nueva, en fin una experiencia cara.
Mi aclchado el que estamos haciendo a mano ya lleva casi el 80% terminado y pronto se los podre mostrar listo para los festejos de la pequena ciudad en donde vivimos. mi cama ya esta lista para recibir este acolchado que sera el primero que tenga hecho a mano y no los horribles que uno compra.
Tambienya hace un tiempo hice estos smocks para mis hijas siguiendo este tutorial (fotos arriba) y le agrege un monograma hecho con el zigzag de mi maquina. Tambien decidi hacerle a Alana el mismo vestido que le hice a Grace para su cumpleanos el patron es el 3512 de simplicity.

Have a great week!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Can you beleive it?

This is kind of impossible, mostly to me. I never win any thing, nothing, zero, totally nada; and then, a couple of post ago I mention Helen's giveaway and guess what? I just read the winners and the first name and comment I read is mine OMG! I love Helen's work and I even participate in her summer mistery quilt back in January here is a picture of the quilt
Happy, Happy, Happy.
I feel as Happy as Vero when she new she was the winner of one of my wallets LOL.
Maybe because it was one of my grandmother' b-day?

Esto es como imposible, mas para mi nunca gano nada, pero hace dos entradas mencione el sorteo que Helen tenia en su blog y sabran que soy su fan me encanta su trabajo y sus disenos, en Enero participe en su quilt misterioso y bueno la idea de leer mi nombre y mi comentario en las ganadora pues ni me la creo, me siento como Vero cuando le escribi para decirle que era la ganadora de uno de mis monederos.
Feliz Feliz, Feliz
tal vez fue por que fue el cumpleanos de una de mis abuelitas?

Happy Independence day!