Since Alana started her dancing classes I wanted to give her a tote so she could store all her dancing things there. then I came with and idea to make one on my own. I had all the fabric I just had to buy the zipper. I also wanted to use piping and because I just had done it once before I decided to look on the internet (my greatest teacher). I found this group of video tutorials very helpful. I also quilt all the bag.
Desde que Ala empezo sus clases de Balet he querido darle una bolsa para sus cosas y me llego la inspiracion de hacerle este bolso con zapatillas en aplique y usando piping, como solamente otra vez he hecho piping decidi reenforzar mis conocimientos y buscando en el Internet escontre este grupo de videotutoriales muy bueno. Ademas lo acolche todo.
Happy sewing
1 month ago