Yes, me again with yet another table runner. I cannot help it I love table runners! This runner is like
this one I made for my friend Alyson back in August. I love it so much that I decided to make one for me. I actually made it in August, but between the candy corn runner and many other things I quilted it last weekend and finished a couple of days ago.
Si, soy yo otra vez con un camino de masa mas. Lo siento no lo uedo evitar me encantan los camios de mesa! Este camino de mesa es como este que le hice a mi amiga Alyson en Agosto, pero entre el tutorial del dulce de maiz y otras cosas no pude acolcharlo sino hasta el pasado fin de semana y lo termine apenas hace unos dias.

On this runner I did the feathers but in stead of making the border straight I decided to curve them to give them some interesting movement. I also decided to do feathers on the pinwheels.
En este camino de mesa en lugar de hacer las plumas del borde rectas las hice curvas para darles mas dimension y movimiento. Tambien hice plumas en los rehiletes.

Today I change my runners and the ones I had on I laundry them looking very fresh and ready to store.
Hoy cambie mis caminos de mesa y los que tenia puestos los lave, ya estan listos para ser guardados.Happy quilting!