Monday, November 30, 2009

Twas the night before Chistmas...

Finally done, I really thought I could never finish it but is done just before the beginning of December.

Finalmente termiado. Realmente pense que no lo acabaria nunca pero aqui esta y antes de empezar Diciembre.I just have to stitch the label on the back.
Thank you Helen!

Have a happy Day!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hand Motion Quilting

I am happy to tell you that I am in the process of quilting my Christmas BOM project. and today looking on Quilting Blogers, I found a few interesting blogs mentioning this amazing lady's blog called "365 Days of free Motion Quilting" I was checking her blog and for those of us interested in learning this fascinating skill pop over her blog and see her technique.

Here my project all pieced and ready to blanket stitch the stitchery blocks (already done) My goal is to have it done by Tuesday.

Estoy feliz por contarles que ya estoy en el proceso de acolchar mi projecto de Navidad, y hoy buscando por nuevos blogs en quilting Blogers (en donde empece a descubrir este mundo de los blogs) Me encontre con blogs muy interesantes que mencionaban este nuevo (para mi) blog "365 Days of free Motion Quilting" Este es un blog super interesante para aquellas de nosotras interesadas en perfeccionar este arte de acolchado libre en maquina.

Aqui una foto de mi projecto ya unido solo le falta que le ponga las orillas de cada bloque bordado (lo cual ya termine). Mi meta es terminar esto para el Martes.

Happy Quilting

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

6 of 7, well more like 6.5...

I thought I was never going to show you this part of the BOM done. I had so much trouble stitching it. First of all it is quite big 20" by 9", then I took it to our trip and guess what? I forgot the needle. and could I found a needle anywhere? NO, no place. oh well. Then I come home and I run out of floss. I went to Joann's and they were out, I went to every single craft store near home and nothing. so frustration all over. While waiting for more floss to be restocked I decided to do all the patchwork needed and that is why I think I am more like a 6.5 parts of 7.
Pense que nunca les mostraria la sexta parte del BOM de navidad. Tube tantas dificultades para terminarlo, primeramente esta parte es algo grande 20" por 9" pense que lo terminaria facilmente en nuestro viaje pero que creen que me paso? no lleve agujas, y creen que encontre algun lugar en donde comprar? No en ningun lado, bueno no pude bordar en el viaje. Ya de regreso en casa segui bordando pero mis hilazas se acabaron y que creen que me paso fui a comprar y nada estaban agotados y eso en cada lugar que fui a buscar mas frustrada no podria estar entonces decidi ponerme a trabajar en las partes de patchwork es por eso que creo que voy mas adelantada que solo 6 partes de 7.

For those in the USA Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Pajamas for Christmas

Darlette made this beautiful pajamas for her girls and here they are. I thought it was nice that the pattern she used is MaCalls M4646 which is on sale at Joann's until Wednesday. I went today and I got one for me.
Darlette hizo estas lindas pijamas para sus hijas. El patron es el MaCalls M4646 que esta en descuento en Joann. hoy fui por mi copia para hacerles unas a mis hijas.

Happy Sewing

Friday, November 20, 2009

an Idea

During our trip back East the girls collected some sand and seashells to remember the ocean and their time there. So, I thought of a way to preserve the memory and I found this glass container I think it looks great and the girls can see all the seashells they collected.

Durante nuestro viaje al este del pais las ninas juntaron conchas y arena de la playa para recordarla en casa. Asi que para guardar el recuerdo encontre este contenedor de vidrio para guardar su tesoro marino.

Happy Weekend,

Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Christmas Wish Quilt Finish

Well I start on October 3th with the first block and yesterday I finish the binding last night. I use a jolly roll from moda fabrics call "crazy 8". Thanks Gail for this wonderful BOM.

Bien pues empece el 3 de Octubre con el primer bordado y termine ayer de poner el bien en la orilla. USe un Jelly Roll de Moda Fabrics que se llama "Crazy 8" . Muchas gracias a a Gail Pan Desings for su free BOM.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mi angelita secreta

Esta entrada va en Espanol primero en honor de mi Angelita secreta que habla el Castellano y que quiero mucho al igual que su pais Chile. Odette es una persona lindisima que he conocido por el blog y que quiero mucho. Me hizo sentir muy feliz y especial el recibir su paquete y como no pues me ha consentido como naunca y miren lo que me ha mandaso se ha lucido tanto muchisimas gracias amiga. Se daran cuanta que esta en colores naranja bueno pues parte de los datos del swap agrege que me gustan los colores naranja y aqui esta. Esto empezo hace unos meses (talvez ha sido la pequena Kaylee) pero ahora me inclino mucho por los colores naranja. Talvez no me han visto com muchos naranjas pero pronto veran. Muchisimas Gracias Odita!

This title had to be in Spanish because my super secret angel speaks Spanish and is from my dear Chile. Odette one of the amazing people I have known from this blog is my secret stitcher's angel and I am so happy. Look what she did for me. I have to say that a few months ago I started to like the color orange more and more and as part of the swap I added I like orange. you might have not seen much orange on my work or at least not yet but for some reason (maybe baby Kaylee) I start liking orange a lot.

Que tengan un lindo dia

Thursday, November 12, 2009

It is a Girl!

Yesterday I went to have an ultrasound and we found out that we are having another girl! yes another It will be a house full of girls down here. now we just need to find her a name.

Ayer fui a mi ultrasonido y nos enteramos que vamos a tener otra nina, si otra y parece que la casa estara llena de ninas aqui. Ahora solo necesitamos encontrarle un nombre.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Purse

Darlette made two purses to sell on our Etsy shop. They are very cute and very well made.
Darlette hizo dos bolsas como esta y las tiene en venta en nuestra tienda Etsy. Estan muy lindas y muy bien hechas.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Look what I got

Today I finally got my hands on this beauty and I already know what is going to be. Soon I'll show you what I have in mind.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I'm Back!

Hello, did you miss me? Well we are finally back home. We went across the whole country to New England to visit my dear ML. It was a great experience. We decided to do it by driving which in many ways was a great choice because I could see the real America and many different places. Before our trip I just have visited all the western states and south west states, never back east It was great!

Beverly, Massachusets, very cold Atlantic Ocean

Hola me extranaron? Bueno ya estamos finalmente en casa. Viajamos atraves del pais hasta el area de Nueva Inglaterra a visitar a mi querida suegra. fue una gran experiencia. Decidimos manejar para poder conocer mas partes de los Estados Unidos y como es la gente en diferentes partes del pais. Antes de este viaje solo conocia todos los estados del oeste de los Estados Unidos y los estados del sur oeste , nunca el este. Fue una gran experiencia!

Downtown Chicago, in the back Lake Michigan

We drove four days to New England and then it took us whole eight days to make it back home, why you might think? well a severe snow storm hit the Rocky Mountains area from Utah, Colorado and Wyoming. We were stopped in Wyoming with roads closed for four days.

Beautiful Autumn trees in Lexington, Massachussets

Manejamos por cuatro dias a Nueva Inglaterra y nos tomo ocho dias regresar a casa, porque? bueno una severa tormenta de nieve paso por el area de las Montanas Rocosas desde Utah, Colorado y Wyoming, nosotros estabamos en Whyoming con los caminos cerrados por cuatro dias.

Boston, Massachussets

It was a learning experience on how to survive in emergencies. I have to say we manage to stay in a motel with internet, a microwave and a fridge, so at least Hubby could work from the motel. I learn a lot and mostly I have to say that in any circumstance we just need to be ready for any emergency. Thank goodness for those MRE's (Meals ready to eat) I took just before living. since we could not go anywhere to buy stuff.

Harvard University

Aprendimos mucho de esta experiencia y como sobrevivir en emergencias. Tuvimos la suerte de encontrar un motel con internet, un microndas y frigobar. Mi esposo pudo trabajar desde el Motel. Aprendi mucho sobretodo el de estar preparada para cualquier problema y agradezco haber llevado paquetes de comida lista para consumir (las que el ejercito usa para sobrevivir) pues no podiamos salir a comprar nada.
Friendly natives at Harvard University

The sad thing was that I did not finish the girls costumes for Halloween and we just made it to go and trick of treat in the clothes we came from. I just got the girls a pumpkin bucket and a pumpkin light necklaces for each. They were happy about it (I am glad)
You might ask how were the girls? Just wonderful, they did never complain and they were very patient (we are blessed with good kids) and even our baby in the oven wasn't complaining too much to mummy.
Boston, Massachussets

Lo unico que no salio como esperaba fue Halloween, no termine los trajes de las ninas antes de irnos y llegamos apenas a la anochecer del sabado para salir a pedir dulces, llegando a casa pase al super y les compre a las ninas unas lamparitas de calabacita y unas calabazas para poner sus dulces, Ellas estaba felices y mami aun mas feliz. Se preguntaran como les fue a las ninas? bueno pues ellas estubieron super bien fueron muy pacientes en el viaje y nunca se desesperaron (soy muy bendecida con buenas hijas) y aun nuestro bebe en el horno no le dio mucha lata a mami.
Lake Erie, Cleveland, Ohio

Make it a great Day!