Thursday, April 30, 2009

Almost done

Just a litte look on the paper bag swap project I am doing for Betrice from Frace. I hope she likes what I am making for her.

Un pequeno vistazo al projecto que estoy haciendo a mi companera Beatrice del paper bag swap en el que estoy. Espero que le guste.

Happy quilting!


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We have a Doctor in our family

I just receive a call from Mom and Dad with wonderful news. My little brother pass his test to receive his full degree as MD. In Mexico you have to take the professional Test and also the certification test. He was the 33 best over 200 test takers, only 90 pass the test though. I am happy even as you know Mexico is in the middle of the pandemic crisis. My brother is serving his one year social service work in a little town in the middle of the country. So far where he is hasn't present any cases of the flu. I am happy for my parents now all their kids have graduated from College, They have achive their goal. thank you mom and dad for your sacrifice.

Acabo de recibir una llamada de mamay papa con muy buenas noticias. Mi hermanito paso su examen profesional de la escuela de medicina junto con el examen de certificacion y ahora ya tenemos Doctor en la familia. Fue el numero 33 en pasar de 200 que hicieron el examen aunque solo 90 pasaron. Por ahora mi hermanito se encuentra terminando su ano de servicio social en un pueblito en el centro del pais. Aunque la crisis del Flu esta muy fuerte en Mexico afortunadamente mi familia se encuentra bien y mi hermano reporta que ellos no han tenido ningun caso en donde se encuentra.

Estoy muy feliz por mis padres ahora han cumplido su meta de ver a todos sus hijos graduados de la superior. Gracias por su sacrificio.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

100 Posts

The time is here sorry I say Monday but if I recall I say (hopefully) anyway here I am on my 100 post and I am very happy. I debate on what to do if a tutorial, or a new design or a giveaway. Well it will be a giveaway.Do you remember the three table runners I made back in January?Two already have a home and the last one needs a nice home to live. A llegado el dia lo siento que dije que el Lunes pero bueno habia un "espero" entre el dia ja ja ja.Bueno aqui estamos para celebrar mi entrada numero 100 y estamos muy contentas. Pense en que iba a hacer si un tutorial o un diseno o regalar algo y aqui esta. Se acuerdan de los caminos de mesa que hice en Enero? bueno eran tres y dos ya han ido a sus respectivos hogares solo queda uno que necesita un lindo hogar en donde le den mucho amor. I also taught about how to do it. and here is how It will happen.
Leave a comment on this post until Friday at midnight (Mountain Standard Time) telling me what is your favourite craft to make. For those that have follow me know that my favorite things to make are table runners I just love them.
I also need to consider all those that have left comments on those other 99 posts I will consider them as an extra chance so If you have ever made a comment on my blog you already have an entry! I will send it anywhere
This is a Thank you for your support and comments that feed my blog!
Tambien pense en como le encontraremos un nuevo hogar a este camino de mesa.
Deja un comentario en esta entrada de aqui al Viernes a la media noche (MST) hora de las Montanas y dime cual es la manualidad que mas te gusta hacer. Para aquellas que alguna vez me han dejado algun comentario en cualquiera de las otras 99 entradas ya tienen una oportunidad mas para ganar. yo lo enviare a cualquier lugar.
Este es un gracias por su apoyo y sus comentarios que alimentan mi blog!
Happy crafting!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

To many things to tell, first of all I have not disappeared, I am still here but the gardening season is here and I really spend lots of time outside this last week I plant two rows of gladiolas and one of onions, I fix some potatoes that will be ready to plant next week and the list goes on and on...
Tantas cosas que contar, primero que nada no, no he desaparecido sigo aqui pero con la temporada de calorcito llegando casi todo el tiempo lo dedico al jardin. Plante gladiolas y cebollas y la proxima semana las papas que prepare estaran listas para ser plantadas, y la lista sigue y sigue...
Talking about the gladiolas Alana and Grace decided to help grandma to clean the glads and make them ready to plant. It was so neat to see little Grace not even two doing such a great job.
Hablando de Gladiolas Alana y Grace decidieron ayudar a la abuelita a limpiarlas y prepararlas para plantar. Es tan lindo ver a la pequena Grace que todavia no tiene ni dos anitos ayudando y haciendo un trabajo increible.

The things we can find in the garden: Working in the garden is a wonderful way to teach the girls about nature and animals, a day before Grace receive Daddy coming back from work pretending to be a frog and the next day we found this little friend on the compost pile. we save it to show it to dad and when dad "learn" all about it Dad and the girls went out to the garden to put the little friend back (he needed to find his mommy that might be very worried for his little one been lost)
Las cosas que uno se encuentra en el jardin: Trabajar en el jardin es una manera increible de ensenarle a las ninas acerca de la naturaleza y de los animales, un dia antes Grace recibio a su papa que llegaba de trabajar jugando a pretender que era una ranita saltando por todos lados, al siguente dia nos encontramos a este pequenin en la composta. La pusimos en un frasquito para ensenarsela a papa cuando regresar y despues de que papa "aprendio" todo acerca de este pequenin Papa y las ninas salieron al jardin a regresarlo a si casita (necesitaba buscar a su mamita que seguramente estaba muy preocupada por su pequeno perdido)

This is a neat story: A few days back the Girls and I went to our favorite quilt shop and there I met a nice lady that had some cute fabric, I asked what she was making and She showed me a beautiful drees she made, She asked me if I had a 2 year old girl and I say, yes Grace that was on the other side and next thing I know she says "take it (the dress) it is yours" I was speechless. I am grateful for her kindness. It was going to be Grace's outfit for yesterday but when I put it on her she was lost in it then Alana try it and here she is:
Una Historia increible: Hace elgunos dias las ninas y yo fuimos a mi tienda favorita de quilting y alli conoci a una senora muy amable que estaba rabajando en algunos projectos y le vi unas telas muy lindas y le pregunte en que estaba trabajando y me enseno un lindo vestido, me pregunto la edad de Grace y despues me dijo "ten es tuyo" me dio el vestido!!! increible me quede si palabras y le agradezco por su generocidad, el vestidito iba a ser para ponerselo ayer a Grace pero cuando se lo medi la pobre nadaba en el asi es que se lo probe a Alana y miren que bien le quedo.
Yesterday I had the chance to go to the Graduation of one of my former roommates and great friend Hannah, a great example she started college a few years ago and now she has earned a Maters Degree. She is from Kenya and what is more remarkable is that she started College in her late 20's. So it is never late. Alana and Grace had a great time with her and her friends, Hannah loves them like a good aunt.
Ayer tube la oportunidad de ir a la Graduacion de una de mis amigas y ex companeras de cuarto, Hannah. Ella es in gran ejemplo para mi empezo la universidad hace algunos anos ya grande casi a los treinta anos y ahora se esta graduando de la Maestria. Hannah es de Kenya y los sacrificios que ha hecho para llegar hasta aqui son admirables. Eso me ensena que nunca es tarde para empezar. Alana y Grace la pasaron muy bien con Hannah y sus amigos, Hannah las quiere cono una buena tia.

Hannah and I back when we were roommates (yesterday's picture with Hannah I just look horrible LOL) Aqui estamos Hannah y yo ya hace tiempo cuando viviamos juntas y yo estudiaba (la foto de ayer no se las enseno pues sali horrible)
Alana and Grace with one of Hannah's friend.
Alana y Grace con una amiga de Hannah
Grace and Hannah
An this is all I have to say for this last week next posting (hopefully Monday) I will show you what I am going to giveaway! And mom's quilt is at Kathy's being quilted.
Esto es todo por ahora en la proxima entrada que espero que sea el lunes les ensenare que es lo que voy a regalar! ah y el quilt de mama esta en casa de Kathy para ser acolchado.
Happy crafting

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Farm Life

I do not live on a farm but certainly very close to farms in a little town and our next door neighbors are a couple of horses (which Alana thinks are hers), So in a way we feel like we live in a urban-ish farm. All this farm life topic comes because Sam started her first BOM called Stringy Bark Farm hosted on her blog.

And here is her first block. Isn't rusty adorable?
About the 100th post surprise... well I am still working on it but one thing I can say it is worthy of a princess...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hot from the Oven

Well, form the sewing Machine LOL. My "baby"(name of my sewing machine) and I finally finished the top of the quilt that I am making for my parents.
Bueno, no calientito del horno pero si de mi maquina de coser "baby". Finalmente termine la parte de arriba del acolchado de mi s padres. Ahora solo falta mandarlo acolchar.

This is our 96th posting and to celebrate our 100th Darlette and I are preparing a surprise. Keep looking for it in the next postings...
Esta es nuestra entrada numero 96 y para celebrar la entrada 100 Darlette y yo estamos preparando una sorpresita, mantenganse al contacto para saber que es en nuestras siguientes entradas.

Edit April 11: there is a cute guiveaway of 30 FQ's at PigTale & Quilts you have until the 20th!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Thinking Easter

Easter is fast aproaching and Darlette has made a few cute things for her girls and send me the pictures to share with you:
Ya casi tenemos la Pascua aqui y Darlette ha hecho unas cositas lindas para sus ninas y me ha dado las fotos para compartirlas con ustedes:
Primeramente hizo unas bolsitas de Pascua.
First, she made Easter bags.

And the second things are three Easter skirts she made for her girls very cute.
Y tambien tres falditas muy primaverales y muy lindas.

Happy sewing
Erika & Darlette

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Well March is over and I made lots of progress on my projects, First of all I frame the neiborhood road SAL , I decided for a blue frame, however I'm still getting used to it.
Marzo ha terminado y he terminado algunas cosas que estaban en proceso, Primeramente ya enmarque el Neiborhood Road Sal, y decidi que el marco fuera azul, sinembargo como que todavia me estoy acostumbrando a verlo asi.
Then here are some pictures of the mystery bag done and a walet I made. I am still want to make a few other things to go with, maybe sometime this month. I love Patty Youngs line it is just fun!
Aqui les enseno algunas fotos de mi bolso ya terminado del projecto Mystery bag. Ademas hice un monedero que convina. La tela me gusto mucho La linea de Patty Young es muy versatil.
Lastly I am again working on mom's quilt I square the blocks and I am adding some sashing to them. I hope I can have the top finished by next week.
Por ultimo sigo trabajando en el quilt de mama ya ajuste los bloques asi es que ya estan alineados y les estoy poniendo una orilla al bloque. espero terminar la parte de arriba del quilt para la siguiente semana
Happy crafting