Saturday, February 28, 2009

My biggest quilt challenge

Some of you will laugh to know what my biggest quilt challenge is, the truth is that it has taken me 21 months to start it even though I had all the material all this time. Well when Grace was born (June 2007) My parents came to visit and at that time they had seen a quilt I made for my cousin Patty for her wedding. Mom was so thrill that hint me a few times how much she would love to have a quilt. So I did it. I offer mom to make her a quilt for her (king size) bed. I even gave her the chance to choose whichever design she desire. And then it happened! she decided for a Grandmother's Fan.

Long story short, One of my goals for this year is to make the quilt and I have been looking for someone to guide me on how to make it and fortunately my friend Kathy has offer me help and guidance. I visit her so she can quilt my mystery summer quilt from Hugs and kisses. Here are just a couple of pictures of what I am doing.This is the quilt I made for my cousin Patty. Este es el aclchado que le hice a mi prima Patty.

Algunas de ustedes de reiran al saber cual es mi acolchado mas desafiante. La verdad es que me ha tomado 21 meses el empezarloaunque toda la tela la he tenido desde entonces. La historia empieza cuando mis padres me visitaron para cuando nacio Grace y vieron el acolchado que le hice a mi prima Patty para su boda. Mama no dejaba de darme picones diciendo comole gustaria tener un acolchado y finalmente sucumbi y le ofreci hacerle un acolchado para su cama (king) . Cual va siendo mi sorpesa que escojio el abanico de la abuela para mi sin mucha experiencia ha sido un gran desafio.

Para no hacerles el cuento mas largo una de mis metas es hacer este acolchado y he estado pensando en el y viendo quien me puede ayudar guiandome. Resulta que cuando lleve mi projecto de Helen el famoso mystery summer quilt a mi amiga Kathy a acolchar le comente de mi dilema y casualmente ella esta trabajando en uno igual y sa ha ofrecido en ayudarme. asi es que ayer empeze lavando la tela, planchandola y finalmente empeze a cortarla. son 17telas diferentes asi es que no he terminado pero es un buen comiezo. arriba veran las fotos.
Happy quilting


Jean said...

I have made a couple fans and a dresdan plate block, they are fun to do a few, not sure if I want to do a whole quilt. Will have to watch and see how this comes out!

Chispita said...

Seguiré tus avances,,seguro que te va a quedar preciosa.

Un besito ^^