Friday, July 9, 2010

I was featured on Emblibrary!

Darlette did it again! she was featured on Emblibrary on the front page top right. Here is the link for her project on showcase. If you type Darlette on the search box you will find all her other showcased projects.

Darlette lo hizo otra vez, salio uno de sus projectos en Emblibrary en la pagina principal en el boton de arriba a la derecha en el boton para showcase. Aqui esta el link para el projecto. Si ponen Darlette en el recuadro para buscar encontraran todos los projectos que han mostrado de ella.

Happy crafting
Darlette and Erika


Monika said...

That's amazing!! Before we know it, she'll be on OPHRA! haha great job!

Monika said...

way to go! Before we know it, you two will be featured on Martha's show! haha! Great job! Love your works!